nextScan takes great pride in listening to customer’s needs and developing customized scanning solutions to solve the many complex and unique Scanning Conversion challenges in the Micrographics market.
- Custom Designed 70mm FlexScan Roll Film Module Transport can accommodate 35mm and 70mm roll film only.
- Custom Designed Light line is larger and can accommodate 70mm roll film.
- 18,600 scan lines per second utilizing and 8K camera, (16K camera as an optional upgrade).
- Scanner is equipped with nextScan’s latest NextStar PLUS Workflow Software with 5 Audit Workstation Licenses.
- No missed images during scanning – un-compressed or compressed 12bit grayscale ribbon files.
Feature Rich
- Color coding of frame detection confidence and black out mode as a visual aid for the audit operator.
- Simultaneous scanning audit, indexing & QA inspection for enhanced workflow.
- Audit, re-audit / QA capability and indexing along with exception routing and user definable processes in the workflow.
- Regional auto thresholding for bi-tonal images.
- Rotate, mirror, crop, de-skew, de-speckle and edge enhancement filters, all post scan operations.
- Export for many ECM systems output and index support for most document management systems.
- Flexible file naming and index file generation.
- Individual frame-by-frame post process image enhancement option if needed.
- Independent image enhancement settings for multiple or individual output images.
- Insert / delete frames or images while maintaining file naming integrity.
- Independent image enhancement settings for multiple or individual output images.
- Unlimited output image formats, all definable after scanning.