nextScan is the micrographics technology leader in microfilm scanning and microfiche scanning equipment, software and accessories. Microfilm conversion and microfiche conversion are highly technical processes of taking rollfilm or microfiche and converting the film to a digital format. nextScan has consistently been first in the capture industry with new innovations for image quality, increased scanning speeds, and workflow software. nextScan patented technology is world renowned for cutting costs and increasing efficiency. From small reader/printer applications to large-scale microfilm digital conversion projects, nextScan can offer a full suite of Micrographics and conversion services solutions. All Microfilm scanners, Microfiche scanners and document management software is manufactured in the United States by nextScan.
The FlexScan 3-in-1 scanner with NextStarPLUS® High Performance Workflow Software is designed for those with multiple microforms in their collection, allowing for the high-speed conversion for microfilm, microfiche and aperture cards.
Now with auto-focusing technology, the FlexScan+ offers users a simpler workflow. Streamline your scanning services with the FlexScan+.
Rollfilm Sizes, Formats, Polarities:
Fiche Sizes, Formats, Polarities:
Film & Fiche Types:
Film Orientation: Comic, Cine, Mixed
Benchmarks based on 200 DPI Scan Resolution, at 24x Reduction Ratio.
*Higher scan speeds available under rental, lease, or contract.
FlexScan+ 800 PPM
FlexScan+ 600 PPM
FlexScan+ 400 PPM
The Eclipse Production Level Rollfilm scanner is designed for large-scale digital microfilm conversion projects. The Eclipse scans 16mm and 35mm microfilm and is ideal for large-scale projects that are time-critical and require superior image quality. Our NextStarPLUS® High Performance Workflow Software is designed for the demanding user and included with the scanner.
Roll Film Sizes, Formats, Polarities:
Film Types: Vesicular, Blue and Black Diazo, Silver, and Mixed Formats
Film Orientation: Comic, Cine, Mixed
Benchmarks based on 200 DPI Scan Resolution, at 24x Reduction Ratio.
Eclipse 2000 PPM
Eclipse 800 PPM
Eclipse 600 PPM
The FlexView is our desktop conversion scanner that digitizes microfilm at up to 300 FPM (frames per minute), in your own facility, on your schedule! Microfilm conversion and preservation at your fingertips.
Roll Film Sizes, Formats, Polarities:
Film Types: Vesicular, Blue and Black Diazo, Silver, and Mixed Formats
Film Orientation: Comic, Cine, Mixed
Benchmarks based on 200 DPI Scan Resolution, at 24x Reduction Ratio.
FlexView 300 PPM
FlexView 150 PPM
FlexView 75 PPM
What if you could preserve microfilm records to digital format and eliminate equipment and service costs? Now you can with VirtualFilm®! Replace your scanning equipment with a software database that houses digitized microfilm records and acts as a reader/printer replacement. VirtualFilm® can be used for the permanent digital preservation of microfilm archives for just a fraction of the cost of full-scale conversion.
See how you can save with VirtualFilm®. Request a Demo Today!