As an integral part of the NextStar Plus Workflow Software Suite, nextScan is proud to offer additional software products and plug ins to address many challenging film and fiche formats and special scanning job requirements. We are proud to introduce this new technology in our workflow software to complement our industry leading production microfilm and fiche scanners manufactured by nextScan. At nextScan, it is our goal to have an integrated end-to-end workflow solution without the need for uncontrolled ad hoc 3rd party software packages.
In addition to the added convenience and the cost savings of these additional software products, NextStar PLUS has many time saving features such as built-in Indexing, off-site auditing, definable workflow processing and barcode reading and creation for production tracking. The result is a dramatic cost savings in the conversion process from film to digital.
nextScan’s mission is to help customers quickly, efficiently and economically complete their digitization requirements. This software suite represents exceptional value to customers seeking to move to a full ECM solution for their film archives with quality, cost-effective innovative microfilm and fiche scanning solutions.
Computer Output Microfilm (COM) Fiche conversion software
FicheStar, created exclusively by nextScan, is a cutting edge COM scanning solution that reduces scanning operator time by 90%. COM conversion that was previously too labor intensive and cost prohibitive can now be easily processed using FicheStar.
OCR: (Optical Character Recognition) The process by which a scanned document is electronically analyzed, so that the text information can be extracted from the image and reproduced as a text file. Text generated by OCR is often input into text search databases, allowing retrieval of the original scanned image based on its content. This text information can also be embedded in your PDF or Word file to make these documents fully searchable as if they were pure text files.
nextScan’s OCR product is an optional add in to NextStar PLUS Workflow software, it is not a 3rd party package that only monitors a hot directory. This is significant because if an error occurs, the nextScan system monitors, logs and automatically re-routes images for correction and intervention.
nextScan’s redaction software is an optional add in to NextStar PLUS Workflow software. This redaction solution offers three levels of redaction security.
The Redaction security model is based on individual user’s login credentials and is administered through Microsoft Authorization Manager. This Redaction product also supports skewed documents and odd shaped redaction. Redaction and its enforced security features are fully supported in nextScan’s Virtual Film viewer.
nextScan realizes that many corporations, archival organizations and businesses would like to perform conversion projects but have very limited budget resources and may have complex systems. Through new innovations and creative programs such as our scanner rental and leasing options, custom database creation and conversion planning consultation, nextScan has an economical solution for all types of conversion projects. No two scanning jobs are alike – and many organizations struggle with a multitude of issues such as cost and unique workflow parameters when considering how to complete conversion projects. Custom software development, network configurations and leading edge scanning technology fills this gap. nextScan leads the industry with new developments. Every conversion project is unique. We provide custom solutions that handle that uniqueness without compromising on our image quality and speed. For more information on nextScan’s custom solutions and to get a free conversion estimate, contact us at
Tri level blip detection
Blips: In micrographics terms this describes the small marks on the edge of the film that indicates a frame or image. Blips come in 3 sizes; large, medium, small, and by default a forth when none is present. The blip sizes normally indicate small page, medium-document and large-folder.
Bar code:
A series of machine-readable lines of varying width used to capture indexing information. nextScan NextStar PLUS software allows for barcode scanning to be completed if clients desire. This is a great way to provide a backup inventory and security measures for the film being scanned.