The Demand for Modern Scanning Equipment

It is a testament to the quality of nextScan microfilm conversion scanners because many have been running for decades with occasional maintenance. You couldn’t say that about most items you have purchased for the past 20 years. Generational advancements in electronic and computer technology have advanced in that time. Networks and security are at an all-time high level. The new components have also allowed for faster scanning speeds. The world of technology moves pretty fast, and the team at nextScan is committed to staying at the cutting edge and advancing scanner capabilities.

Technology Advancements

The rapid pace of technological evolution is staggering. Just a decade ago, we were still lugging portable DVD players and iPods on our trips. Today, our smartphones have transformed into all-in-one devices, serving as still cameras, video recorders, music players, calculators, dictaphones, word processors, maps, soapboxes to stand on in the ever-growing social network, and more. The last quarter-century has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Over the past 15 years, nextScan has been at the forefront of building microfilm conversion scanners, digitizing the world’s microfilm archives and making that data more accessible to more people. Early models of the Eclipse and FlexScan were built with state-of-the-art electronics for their time. While these systems are still in production, as time has passed, their components may no longer comply with modern security standards. It is not just a recommendation but a pressing need to evaluate your equipment to ensure you keep pace with the evolving technology landscape. Your organization’s security and efficiency depend on it.


Twenty years ago, none of us had a Gmail account. The Internet was often referred to as the “Wild Wild West” for the lack of laws governing the Internet of Things (another term still to be created), and those laws in books were rarely followed. There were also few ways to prosecute those breaking the laws, as investigating cybercrimes would take many hours; things are not as automated as they are today.

When analyzing which companies to target, hackers don’t decide by throwing a dart at it. They strategically identify the most lucrative targets. What information does a company possess that a hacker could monetize the most? Those industries that operate in “critical” sectors like finance, energy, and healthcare are the most targeted for security threats. This is not a matter to be taken lightly, but a serious concern that all organizations in these sectors should be aware of and prepared for.

If operating outdated hardware, an organization is exposed to compatibility issues, which leads to security vulnerabilities. When hardware is not compatible with the current operating systems the network relies on, the network is vulnerable to security threats.


NextScan’s fastest scanner today is the Eclipse 2000, capable of scanning up to 2000 images per minute. Twenty years ago, when the Eclipse was first introduced, it scanned 300 images per minute. The advancements in digital capture technology have advanced tremendously, and nextScan has been leading the way.

With more speed comes more opportunities to run more projects. Running more projects creates more revenue for document-scanning businesses. Is your conversion scanner holding you back from making more money this year?

System Evaluation

Allow us to help you understand the status of your scanning system. For an evaluation, go to and complete the form. Please have the serial number available as you will be asked to provide. This will help us begin to diagnose your equipment before we reach out to discuss your options.


The engineers and technicians at nextScan are committed to producing the finest conversion scanning equipment available on the market. Advancements in the world of digital scanning continue day after day, often created by nextScan. When you work with nextScan, you know you work with conversion scanning experts with decades of experience. Don’t settle for less. Your archives deserve it.


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