nextScan Introduces Optical Character Recognition, (OCR) and Redaction as new Features to their NextStar PLUS Workflow Software Suite

For Immediate Release



nextScan Introduces Optical Character Recognition, (OCR) and Redaction as new Features to their NextStar PLUS Workflow Software Suite
Enhanced Features Offer Single Solution for Comprehensive Document Management

Boise, ID –– nextScan, Inc.,  a world leader in cutting edge technology for the micrographics conversion and document management industry, debuted last week at the ARMA (American Records Management Show), in Washington D.C.  a new comprehensive software solution with built in OCR and Redaction.

Kurt Breish, President and CEO of nextScan states, “OCR is built into our NextStar PLUS Workflow software, it is not a 3rd party package that only monitors a hot directory.  This is significant because if an error occurs, it allows our system to monitor, log and automatically re-route images for correction and intervention.”  This software is capable of outputting multi-page PDF/A searchable files using nextScan highly configurable naming conventions that can be based on frame number, blip information or user provided indexes such as title bar information. At this time, we support three OCR engines.  They are LEADTOOLS®, ABBYY® and Nuance®, each having separate pricing models.

The new software solution also offers three levels of redaction security.  They are 1) un-redacted, 2) the ability to modify/audit the redaction and 3) fully redacted.  Which security model is used is based on individual user’s login credentials and is administered through Microsoft Authorization Manager.  This Redaction product also supports skewed documents and odd shaped redaction. Redaction and its enforced security is fully supported in nextScan’s Virtual Film viewer.

Breish states, “We are proud to introduce this new technology in our workflow software to complement our industry leading production microfilm and fiche scanners manufactured by nextScan.  It’s our goal to have an integrated end-to-end workflow solution without the need for uncontrolled ad hoc 3rd party software packages.”

In addition to the added convenience and the cost savings of having OCR and Redaction as features within the NextStar PLUS Software Suite, the newest software release has added many time saving features such as built-in Indexing, off-site auditing, definable workflow processing and barcode reading and creation for production tracking.  The result is a dramatic cost savings in the conversion process from film to digital.

nextScan’s mission is to help customers quickly, efficiently and economically complete their digitization requirements. nextScan’s new  OCR and Redaction technology is fully integrated with NextStar PLUS Workflow Software and Virtual Film, nextScan’s software based film viewer which allows for inexpensive conversion of microfilm to digital.  This software suite represents exceptional value to customers seeking to move to a full ECM solution for their film archives with quality, cost-effective innovative microfilm and fiche scanning solutions.

Doreen Compton, nextScan V.P. of Marketing and Sales comments, “nextScan is very excited about this new software technology and sees this as a strategic development to help our customers and Service Bureaus. We are listening to the marketplace and realize that many corporations, archival organizations and businesses would like to perform conversion projects but have very limited budget resources.  Through new innovations and creative programs such as our scanner rental and leasing options, nextScan has an economical solution for all types of conversion projects.  nextScan is focused on the continued investment in new hardware and software technology and helping facilitate the future of digital preservation for microfilm.”

About nextScan

nextScan is a world leader in cutting edge technology for the micrographics conversion and document management industry.  Incorporated in 2002, nextScan was established to give the microfilm and microfiche conversion market a high performance alternative to existing technologies.  nextScan’s innovative patented products  are designed and built with simplicity and functionality to increase user production and lower overall costs for scanning film and fiche.

Designed with cutting edge components – the latest in camera, lighting, image correction and nextScan’s pioneering “Ribbon” scanning software, NextStar PLUS. nextScan products provide a full conversion solution that far exceeds the speed, functionality and return on investment when compared to other scanners in the market.   With over 80 years of combined Micrographics Development experience, nextScan’s lead engineers are proud to bring you the next generation of high performance Scanners and Software Solutions.

nextScan is privately held and headquartered in Meridian, ID

Media Contact:

Doreen Compton

Vice President of Marketing and Sales




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