nextScan – Reaching Around the Globe with Micrographics Technology ….

This past week, (October 18-22), nextScan has had the opportunity to participate and exhibit at Gitex the largest technology show in the Mid-East, held in Dubai. This five day show featured companies and participants from all over the world. For some of these companies and governmental representatives, this was their first exposure to seeing microfilm scanning technology up close and personal.  This show made me reflect on just how far reaching nextScan technology has become since our company was established in 2002.  We know that even though the United States has led the charge in converting and digitizing Microfilm and Microfiche, many nations around the globe also have libraries of  critical historical, business and governmental documents that must be preserved and converted.  Large platform international trade shows such as Gitex and CeBIT are very effective platforms for prospects to view scanning equipment and witness demonstrations first hand.  I recall being at CeBIT a few years back and taking note of visitors to our nextScan booth from over 50 different nations.  It was exciting and rewarding to meet so many wonderful people from different cultures and talk to them about   next Scan’s scanning solutions.

Another great way that nextScan helps to inform nations around the world of our new innovations in micrographics is thru our international partners and re-sellers.  From Japan to Australia, Germany to Mexico, Canada, Dubai and many others, nextScan   partners with professional micrographics and document management organizations in those areas.  To date, nextScan has helped preserve historical, corporate and governmental documents in over 42 nations around the globe.  Some of our projects are reflected in the following case studies:


Microform Imaging LTD

Library and Archives Canada

Australian Newspapers Digitization Program

During 2016, NextScan will be exhibiting at CeBIT , March 14-18 in Hannover, Germany and IFLA, August 13-19 in Columbus, Ohio.

*** If your organization is interested in our international program, please contact us at

Gitex 2015

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CeBit 2015

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