Richard Wilson, Business Development Manager at DatacomIT (Australia) shares a glimpse into how their microfilm digitzation operations are performed using the Eclipse microfilm conversion scanners. Mr. Wilson describes how ribbon scanning has revolutionized microfilm image capture, and why it is a vital proponent of a successful microfilm conversion operation. An experienced operator joins Mr. Wilson to demonstrate the conversion process. Watch the video to see the microfilm digitization process from beginning to end.
“In our production studio, we have several of these Eclipse microfilm scanners made by nextScan in the US, they actually revolutionized the scanning of microfilm by capturing the whole roll of film as one large proprietary image rather than individual frames as their predecessors did. What that benefit gives us is the ability to capture it all, ensure we’ve captured the whole role of film and then go through and do all of the audit and output”, says Wilson.
Richard Wilson, Business Development Manager (DataCOM IT)
What is Ribbon Scanning?
Quality Capture for Microfilm Digitization
In 2007, valuable feedback from conversion bureaus encouraged nextScan’s team of engineers to innovate a groundbreaking process that ensures 100% complete edge-to-edge and end-to-end capture of all records contained on Microfilm and Microfiche. Ribbon Scanning, as it was initially called, paved the way for reliable film conversion in the micrographics industry and was invented by nextScan to resolve countless scanning errors that drastically delayed productivity during the conversion process. nextScan is the first scanner manufacturer to use line scanning technology to guarantee 100% image capture through a process we called “ribbon scanning”. nextScan’s mission with the design of each conversion unit is to secure your archives and guarantee complete confidence that your organization will not lose data while performing microfilm conversion.
One of the main characteristics that defines true ribbon scanning is the ability to verify that all images were properly digitized. If any image detection or density problems are identified, the auditing software should allow operators to correct those issues in a post-scan environment, eliminating the need for rescans. True Ribbon Scanning can only be accomplished using Line Scanning Technology which captures the entire roll of film edge-to-edge end-to-end.
About the Eclipse Microfilm Scanner

The nextScan Eclipse system is our market leading solution powered by the innovative NextStarPLUS workflow software. The Eclipse is the industry’s only production level, high-performance high-speed microfilm scanner that offers raw image capture at optimum speeds up to 2,000 ppm.
About DataComIT
DatacomIT based in Australia, is an innovative and progressive company, whose team has earned long-standing credibility within the imaging and digitization industry. Their high degree of expertise in the area of ICT allows us to consistently provide our clients with cost-effective solutions that make use of the best available technology. DatacomIT is proudly represented as approved suppliers on many Australian and State Government ICT and digitization procurement panels.
About nextScan
nextScan is a global leader in cutting edge technology for the micrographics conversion and document management industry. Incorporated in 2002, nextScan was established to give the microfilm and microfiche conversion market a high-performance alternative to existing technologies. Today, nextScan equipment installations can be found in over 45 countries worldwide. nextScan’s innovative patented products are designed and built with simplicity and functionality to increase user production and lower overall costs for scanning film and fiche.
nextScan’s industry leading scanning technology has allowed the company to develop the highest speed production scanner and the most sophisticated workflow software application for microfilm and microfiche conversion in the government, corporate, service bureau and archival industries. By combining resources and technology, nextScan and ST Imaging are able to offer the fastest conversion speeds and feature rich imaging software to all segments of the micrographics marketplace. nextScan products are designed with cutting edge components – the latest in cameras, LED stroboscopic lighting, image correction, and workflow software. NextStar PLUS ribbon scanning software, now featuring redaction and OCR, along with nextScan’s Virtual Film and FicheStar software dramatically reduce conversion time and project costs. nextScan products provide a full conversion solution that far exceeds the speed, functionality and return on investment when compared to other scanners in the market.
Contact nextScan for more information:
1 204 514 4000